category with duals in nLab

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category with duals in nLab

2023-08-06 23:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

nLab category with duals Skip the Navigation Links | Home Page | All Pages | Latest Revisions | Discuss this page | Categories with duals Context Monoidal categories

monoidal categories

enriched monoidal category, tensor category

string diagram, tensor network

With braiding

braided monoidal category

balanced monoidal category


symmetric monoidal category

With duals for objects

category with duals (list of them)

dualizable object (what they have)

rigid monoidal category, a.k.a. autonomous category

pivotal category

spherical category

ribbon category, a.k.a. tortile category

compact closed category

With duals for morphisms

monoidal dagger-category?

symmetric monoidal dagger-category

dagger compact category

With traces


traced monoidal category

Closed structure

closed monoidal category

cartesian closed category

closed category

star-autonomous category

Special sorts of products

cartesian monoidal category

semicartesian monoidal category

monoidal category with diagonals



semisimple category

fusion category

modular tensor category


monoidal functor

(lax, oplax, strong bilax, Frobenius)

braided monoidal functor

symmetric monoidal functor

Internal monoids

monoid in a monoidal category

commutative monoid in a symmetric monoidal category

module over a monoid


tensor product

closed monoidal structure on presheaves

Day convolution


coherence theorem for monoidal categories

monoidal Dold-Kan correspondence

In higher category theory

monoidal 2-category

braided monoidal 2-category

monoidal bicategory

cartesian bicategory

k-tuply monoidal n-category

little cubes operad

monoidal (∞,1)-category

symmetric monoidal (∞,1)-category

compact double category

Categories with duals Idea Categories with duals for objects Categories with duals for morphisms References Idea

A category with duals is a category where objects and/or morphisms have duals. This exists in several flavours; this list is mostly taken from a recent categories list post from Peter Selinger.

Categories with duals for objects

A left autonomous category is a monoidal category in which every object is dualisable on the left.

A right autonomous category is a monoidal category in which every object is dualisable on the right.

An autonomous category, or rigid category is a monoidal category that is both left and right autonomous. Note that any braided monoidal category is autonomous on both sides if it is autonomous on either side.

A pivotal category is an autonomous category equipped with a monoidal natural isomorphism from the identity functor to the double dual? functor. A one-sided autonomous category with such an isomorphism is automatically two-sided autonomous. Although each braided autonomous category has an isomorphism from AA to A **A^{**}, such a category is not necessarily pivotal because this isomorphism is not in general monoidal. On the other hand, every balanced autonomous category is pivotal.

A spherical category is a pivotal category where the left and right trace operations coincide on all objects.

A tortile category, or ribbon category, is a balanced autonomous (therefore pivotal) category in which the twist on A *A^* is the dual of the twist on AA.

A compact closed category is a symmetric tortile category, or equivalently, a symmetric autonomous category.

The **-autonomous categories do not really belong on this list; being **-autonomous is logically independent of being autonomous, and while **-autonomous categories have duals, these are not in general duals in the sense of a dualisable object. However, any compact closed category is **-autonomous.

Likewise, closed categories or closed monoidal categories do not really belong on this list, but there is a sense of dual there which should be carefully distinguished from the primary sense here, which is generally stronger. See dual object in a closed category.

Categories with duals for morphisms

One might write something about these too, or put them on a separate page. In the meantime, see the table of contents to the right.

There at least two commonspread kinds of categories with duals for morphisms:

dagger categories where each morphism f:X→Yf:X \to Y has a †\dagger-dual f †:Y→Xf^\dagger : Y \to X, without any extra property. groupoids, where each morphism f:X→Yf:X \to Y has an inverse f −1:Y→Xf^{-1} :Y \to X defined by the properties ff −1=1 Yf f^{-1} = 1_Y, f −1f=1 Xf^{-1}f = 1_X.

Moreover, every category enriched in one of the kind of categories listed above will have a notion of ‘dual’ for its morphisms.

References Peter Selinger, categories post of 2010-05-15; Peter Selinger, A survey of graphical languages for monoidal categories

Last revised on October 21, 2021 at 09:19:05. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.

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